About HEIN

HEIN is an innovative Luxembourg-based, family-owned company that has been developing and producing high-quality baking and cooling technology for bakers since 1882. A leader in the supply of professional equipment for the bakery and pastry industry, with a tradition of excellence and a firm commitment in terms of innovation, HEIN stands out for its varied range of ovens, such as electric rotary, gas, annulus tube hearth or cyclothermal, complex baking systems such as loading ovens, automatic unloading ovens and many others.

HEIN pune un accent deosebit pe durabilitate, eficiență energetică și fiabilitate, asigurându-se că echipamentele sale respectă cele mai înalte standarde de calitate și performanță.

It constantly invests in research and development to bring to market innovative solutions that meet the most demanding customer requirements. The products are designed to be energy efficient, thus helping to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.

Efficiency and Versatility

HEIN rotary ovens are ideal for high-volume productions, providing even and fast baking. Available in electric and gas versions, these ovens ensure consistent results and significantly reduce energy consumption.

Tradition and Performance

HEIN ring tube hearth ovens combine traditional baking with modern technology, providing even heat distribution for authentic baked goods with a crispy crust and airy core.

Total Baking Control

HEIN cyclothermal ovens are designed to maintain a constant temperature, ensuring uniform baking of a wide range of bakery products with considerable energy savings.

Automation and Productivity

HEIN offers automated loading and unloading baking systems that maximize product efficiency and consistency, making them ideal for high-production bakeries.

Efficiency and Versatility

HEIN rotary ovens are ideal for high-volume productions, providing even and fast baking. Available in electric and gas versions, these ovens ensure consistent results and significantly reduce energy consumption.

Total Baking Control

HEIN cyclothermal ovens are designed to maintain a constant temperature, ensuring uniform baking of a wide range of bakery products with considerable energy savings.

Tradition and Performance

HEIN ring tube hearth ovens combine traditional baking with modern technology, providing even heat distribution for authentic baked goods with a crispy crust and airy core.

Automation and Productivity

HEIN offers automated loading and unloading baking systems that maximize product efficiency and consistency, making them ideal for high-production bakeries.

Collaboration with UTPAN

As official HEIN representatives, UTPAN is committed to bringing these quality products closer to your business. We offer personalized advice, equipment selection support and installation services to ensure that the benefits of HEIN equipment are maximized.

Inovație Continuă

HEIN investește constant în cercetare și dezvoltare pentru a aduce pe piață soluții inovatoare care să răspundă celor mai exigente cerințe ale clienților. Produsele HEIN sunt proiectate pentru a fi eficiente din punct de vedere energetic, contribuind astfel la reducerea costurilor operaționale și a impactului asupra mediului.